Internet everywhere good except on the laptop?


Since yesterday, my Wi-Fi is good as always, only on the laptop, the connection fluctuates extremely. So on my phone and on the TV of my roommate there are no problems (not noticeable), only on my laptop, the Internet fluctuates. I'm playing and sometimes I get kicked out for a few minutes (longer laggs) and then the connection is great again. That's what I feel even when I'm on the Internet on the laptop. I have already restarted the router and nothing has changed.

The router is from Vodafon and runs over my roommate (currently on vacation and unreachable). Does anyone have an idea what I could do?


If anything else works just not on your laptop. Where will then probably be the mistake?


Can also be located on site.


Thanks Sherlock and what can I do about it or is the only solution in the repair?