Gaming Laptop - how easy to upgrade?

- in Gaming

There are sites where you can "put together" your own gaming laptop. Select processor, graphics card, etc.

If I select "the last cry" in terms of graphics card now, the card is outdated in a year. There are new games on the market that need even more powerful graphics cards, etc.

Now my question:

How easily can such gaming laptops be "upgraded" later? Old graphics card out, new in?

That's relatively easy with Tower PCs (I regularly screwed them myself). Is this so easy with laptops?

Can I "turn it down" as a layman myself or do I have to bring him to a specialist every time?


It does not work that fast, so if you put in the "last scream," the card will last for several years.

Even upgrading is always a bit difficult with laptops, it depends on the case. Some cases have individual flaps underneath, for example one for RAM, the other for fans. It is very easy to replace the RAM or to clean the fan. But changing the graphics card itself is pretty hard, as you usually have to remove the motherboard there.


Hardly ever, only the RAM and the memory can be upgraded


Is rarely built today.

Very few manufacturers still use socket CPUs today but BGA (soldered) … Because, because of the height, the manufacturers say.

The same goes for GPU. The MMX (socket) design is rare.

It was different then. It was quite common for gaming notebooks. But even then you were limited to 2-3 graphics chips. This was mostly due to poor heat dissipation and power consumption.

In addition, Intel had (which almost had the monopoly) on CPUs always a fun base hopping practiced (as well as today), so that a CPU generation rarely more than 1 year in the socket fit.

So you will hardly find that today.

Notebooks are just no desktop.