Why is my headset speaker working but my microphone not?

- in Gaming

I have a Kotion Each G9000 gaming headset and when I plug it into my laptop, the speaker on my headset works but the microphone does not. The headset itself is also not displayed in the sound settings, neither during playback nor recording. In order for the loudspeaker to work I have marked the loudspeaker of my laptop as the default, whereby my headset loudspeaker is used. My laptop only has one connector for both microphone and speaker. Why doesn't my laptop recognize my headset?


This is because your headset has a 4-PIN aux connection, but you only have a 3-PIN socket on your laptop.

is the case with all newer headsets that do not have a USB port.

There are 4 "rings" on the Aux connection. Each of these rings is a function of the headset. The top one on the cable is the one on which the microphone function is located, which is logically not recognized by a socket that only reads the lower 3 pins.

There are adapters for it, after which it should work without problems.

I had the same problem.