Not enough FPS in games?

- in Gaming

I have the following problem: I bought a gaming laptop a long time ago, and I have installed a Geforce gtx 1050 2gb, an Intel Core i7-8550U. I recently treated myself to the game Csgo and had to find that I only have 60-70 fps at the lowest settings, then I looked on YouTube and there you had 200-300 fps with the gtx 1050. I have already selected the gtx 1050 in the Nvidia Control Panel for the programs at Csgo, because I still have a second graphics card which is only for the desktop (I think you know what I mean). I also have an Ssd with about 240 gb of memory on which the operating system runs and on which I store most of the programs, which is also full up to 8 gb. I saved CsGo and the other games on my Hdd (1000 gb).

Ram: 8gb

I thank you in advance for the help.


You never get 200-300 with a 1050. The 60-70 seem realistic to me


Could be because you have the game on the HDD. But that only causes lag, as far as I know, not low FPS


A 1050 can't do 200-300.


I think laptops are unnecessary for gaming… Why not a PC? Or isn't it right now?


Then have a look on Youtube