Sell gaming laptops to buy gaming computers. How do I convince my parents?

- in Gaming

I wanted to ask how I can convince my parents that I can sell my gaming laptop and get a gaming PC with the money? Btw: I wanted to sell the laptop for 650 euro and buy it from a friend. His computer is in good condition. So how exactly do I do it?


Does it even make sense to get a gaming PC when you have a gaming laptop? Would only be worthwhile if the PC is much better. Which laptop do you have and which components are built into the PC?


Mamaaa, I need this for school!

It always works.


Why did she have to convince? If I got it right, it's yours so you can do whatever you want with it. However, you must not forget that you still need a monitor, etc.

See if you are losing or not


So in my laptop is a Ryzen 7 3600X and in the PC an i7 don't ask which one😂 and on the laptop a Gfx mobile graphic card from radeon and on the PC there's none, I buy one myself on eBay. And in the pc 2 • 8GB RAM + case and motherboard. So I just had to buy a graphics card and power supply. The rest is built in


Yes, I did that with my laptop back then, but it took a long time to get a gaming PC, but then I only got a laptop because they thought it would be better.


I already have a monitor and a keyboard and mouse. And convince because they paid for the laptop. I gave it money, but they paid more.


Then just explain to them. The best way is to just ask them about it. Name the advantages such as B that the PC (I think) has more power or is also well suited for school and that it is actually more pleasant than on a laptop with little free space for the hands XD


Above all, it lasts longer and if something breaks, you don't have to send the whole thing for repair


Ok, thanks for the tips.


Gfx mobile graphic card? Sure that this is not an iGPU and that they have a different processor or do you mean GTX? I still don't know which laptop you have.

Incidentally, the 3600X is a Ryzen 5 processor.

In the current situation, it would not be worth it. Graphics cards currently cost a lot. And even if things weren't so bad right now, I wouldn't buy the PC. You should have 16 GB of RAM these days. Otherwise some things will not be well configured or will be missing (for example memory). If you absolutely want to have a PC, wait until the end of the year and then use the money to buy a PC from


Ok, thanks for the tips


So you don't need to convince me as a parent to swap a notebook for a desktop (as long as it doesn't cost more money).

I did it with my kids, a small Chromebook for school and a small gaming PC for at home.

The kids were allowed to choose, we had 850 euro (550 euro parents and 300 euro kids). They thought the idea was great that they have both.
Smooth work with the book on the couch or on the bed for school and take this with you to school and the small gaming PC to relax.

Your decision was one

Ryzen 2600, RX570 8GB, 16GB RAM, 500GB SSD ready PC for 600 euro. And a 250 euro Chromebook… That's how it works when you involve the kids and find compromises.


Great decision.