Laptop recommendation for media designers?

- in Gaming

Hi, I'm starting an apprenticeship and need a decent laptop with which I can use After Effects Photoshop ect smoothly.

Do you have a recommendation and what do you think of the model?

I hardly know and would be happy about good answers


Do you really need a laptop or a PC would be possible? Background of the question: PCs are usually much more efficient at the same price and usually offer a betterese cooling and accordingly lower volume with the same performance.
What is your budget?
Do you want to gamble on it? If so, what games?
Can you assemble the PC yourself or do you need a finished PC?


Yes, a laptop would be optimal

Until 2000 euro

I'm a noob and do not play much

And finished Pc would be better


Jupp. I use a comparable (weaker because older) model with the entire Creative Cloud, for 4K video editing, motion graphics, book design and more.


The said should be thick enough, even IMO is a bit overkill.

Significantly cheaper models you get, if it does not have to be a Max Q graphics card. The Max Q run cooler, but also have about 10-20% less power than the normal models. Therefore, e.g. An actually weaker 1650 slightly faster than a Max-Q. Here are some models:

You will also get cheaper models with the much stronger 1660 Ti:

Incidentally, I'd rather opt for a larger 17 "case wg the better cooling and design is happy about the larger screen.


How about With his HP Omen: