Preliminary proceedings based on a lie and black humor?


I have a question and can you be prosecuted for black humor?

Because my cell phone and laptop was due to a lie, 3 classmates told the police a lie story that I was killing spree at the vocational college where I'm planning and should have practiced with a video game for it, then the police took my laptop and cell phone with me (I went on only applications on the laptop and mostly pictures and videos with memes and black humor on the cell phone) since I have witnesses (teachers and students) who will uncover this lying story, I have no worries that the investigation will be terminated.

So I ask you what the legal situation is, can I be prosecuted in any way for black humor (racist and non-racist)?


The police are not stupid. The girls will be investigated for false suspicion and police misleading.


Nothing will happen to you unless your humor is unconstitutional.


Thanks for the *