Bus ride with papili?


Please do not say that I asked the question schonmal I'm very desperate 😟 and cry

following it I travel since 10 with my father on vacation by bus I love to drive a bus it makes me a lot of fun!

Only when I asked my dad where to go next year did he say wait until the time has come

Does not he want to drive with me anymore?

I could also pay the trip I saved money for a laptop that I could take for the trip as well


Maybe there's just a surprise ride?


Your father must first wait for the vacation planning for next year.

Then he must first be healthy, over a year in advance planning a vacation I do not see as meaningful, it can always happen something.


We also want to share a lot with the people we love and love - a lot of closeness and, of course, shared experiences when traveling together. So that was your father and you the whole time.

His momentary restraint may indicate a beginning greater distance. Equally, however, the budget can also be an issue.

For the first, I may suspect the following first. At a very young age, children and parents are very close and close together. With increasing time, when the children come into their teenages, even if the topic of partnership is increasingly in the foreground, the parents get rid of something. Soche's restraint could also manifest itself in other life situations

We can understand that as something human. People may associate partnership with closeness in this epoch - and parents and children are not the partners. Ergo - the parents but also the children withdraw from close proximity.

What seems humanly comprehensible does not need to be like that personally. Because parents and children are always allowed to be very good friends and friends - and thus get their closeness. If partners then join in, they join the existing group (family) and the prevailing proximity.

Seek calmly the conversation with your father - and do not speak directly to the common journeys. Tell him that you love him very much and that you will always love him. Then he is allowed to talk about his feelings. This is something you always have to say to yourself - whether you like to travel or not. So the conversation may begin and continue - and may come in the episode on the journey and their circumstances.

If his restraint on the journey really has anything to do with closeness, you'll build him a bridge that way. If there are other reasons, e.g. Possibly. Lack of budget, he will like to address and find in you someone whom he can confide.

Speaking of budget: the resorts will remain for a few years - but you can certainly use a laptop directly. Then, if it really should be a budget issue, let's go on a trip - or "replace" them with several day trips in a direct environment.