Forgot your laptop on the long-distance bus?


I put my laptop in a long-distance bus (BlaBlaBus) on the seat next to me, after which I briefly did something on it and then put my backpack on the laptop, which was in an envelope.

Then I slept a bit, until my station was reached. Then I took everything and I'm out. However, I noticed only the next day that I did not take the laptop. And I would definitely noticed when I took my backpack that was on it.

The bus company has also given me no feedback that something was found, so I think he was wary. While I was sleeping was stolen.

I have a HardwareschutzPro insurance completed, I can now specify that as a slight theft, since this is still covered.


What is easier theft is so well defined in your contract, so check or ask…

nevertheless you have to wait a few days for an answer from the bus company…