Parents think I smoke when I'm 13?


When my mom came home today, she said she found a cigarette under my laptop and said I stole it and I wanted to smoke with it. After assuring her that I would not have done this, she said that she saw it with her own eyes.

I swear I'm only 13 and I HATE smoking above all else. I have told her very often that she should stop. Still, she said I stole her.

I would really admit it if I did but I really don't.

I don't always put my laptop in the same place, I had put it under the dining table. It could have been something but I never really look under the table.

People what should i do now My mum is known in the family that she accuses me just like that without any evidence. I also got depressed because of her and was allowed to spend 3 months in a clinic.

Please help me. And I'm sorry that this text has grown a bit longer.


You can't do more than tell her that you have not done it I would recommend you just chill you are 13 this is now an uncomfortable situation which is forgotten in a week anyway


I would say to your mother;

that she's stealing from the supermarket and that from today you'll tell everyone

Grandma grandpa neighbor, teachers.

And if she says that's not true.

Then I would just say

Oh yes, ?

That's how quickly you get under false suspicions!


Tell her: why are you asking me at all? You are forming your own opinion anyway. We don't need to talk about it if you don't believe me anyway.


Thanks for the answer.


Thanks for the answer.


Thanks for the answer.


Moment! You just make up such allegations?