Record music and voice separately on a podcast?


I run a podcast with a colleague and we also record songs from time to time. Up until now, however, we have always only cut these into. However, since this involves a lot of effort, we would like to record and record the music "live". We just don't really know how this can be technically implemented. You can apparently record the music and the voice with 2 laptops separately. Is it also possible with a laptop that you record the two tracks separately, so to speak.


That would not be a problem with a mixer.

Maybe there's a program or an app that can do that.

For example Audacity


We're currently using Audacity… The only question is whether you can record both tracks at the same time. We have tried this before, but have not yet figured out how to do it. Do you know more?


Haven't worked with it for a long time. Maybe there are others who are fit.


Jo ok, thank you anyway!


Maybe this helps:


I'll have a look, thanks!