How do I restore Windows 8.1 in the UEFI menu?


I wanted to re-download a ntdll.dll file on my laptop today and deleted the old one. For this I have given me full access to the System32 folder before. I then restarted my laptop and this is displayed first:

How do I restore Windows 8.1 in the UEFI menu

Then the laptop restarts and I come into this menu:

How do I restore Windows 8.1 in the UEFI menu - 1

This is the mistake now. I downloaded the Windows Media Creation Tool from another laptop. Since I currently have no CD and no USB stick with more than 4.1GB (size of the tool), I have the file packed on an external hard drive. Although I know that it is not possible with an external hard drive, but have just tried everything that came to mind. I will get me another USB stick. I do not have a Windows CD.

How do I restore Windows 8.1 in the UEFI menu - 2

If necessary, it would not be bad if I have to reset the PC completely. If I have to do this please also write how I do that in the menu. My concern is that the PC is broken again. I have reseted it schonmal, but the drivers of Windows and MSI adjourn somehow not updating, which has already ruined him schonmal.

Did I break my laptop completely?



Nvidia Geforce 940M

Windows 8.1, 64-bit

I hope you can help me with that, thank you in advance!


First, without the right tool, no result will work well or at all.

Since I currently have no CD and no USB stick with more than 4.1GB (size of the tool), I have the file packed on an external hard drive.

But you also say that you have no knowledge of it!

So get the following:

A person familiar with PC repair (sofware-related), a Win 8.1 installation medium (CD or boot stick).

If you have no important data on the laptop, you can also reset it to factory settings. Then he is as if you have just bought him!

How the so-called "recovery" goes with you, is in the manual.


Thanks for the answer. I know that an external hard drive is something completely different than a USB stick, but I've tried everything to create something.


In principle, that's okay - just as you obviously do not!


Can you explain that to me? I just want to fix it and not discuss it.


Well, I'll try it.

I start from your sentence:

I downloaded the Windows Media Creation Tool from another laptop. Since I currently have no CD and no USB stick with more than 4.1GB (size of the tool), I have the file on an external hard drive

It is unclear to pack the ISO image actually installed on a stick on an external memory with this tool (Windows Media Creation Tool)!

Normally you tell the tool what you want to do - burn DVD or install it on a stick. The drive must only be connected, it is formatted (ie the data is deleted!)

So install and not "pack"!

The USB drive is indeed just an external drive, like a stick - but usually larger.
This creates a bootable partition on the external memory (stick or hard disk) and then installs the installation image (the ISO file).
This will allow you to select this drive in the boot order.

It may not work (some USB sticks do not work as well) - why I do not know, I have not had it yet.
Then you have to start again from the beginning or take a stick.


I now have a USB stick. I can't format the stick to a FAT32 format because the .ISO file is too big in the end to install it on the stick. Would such a thing also go with the NTFS format? Although I have read that I can do this with 2 USB sticks, but I can't delete the install.wim, because I have no permission. I also do not know how to boot the laptop via a certain boot option from the UEFI menu…


I gave you 2 tips first.
After that you wanted to explain it

But now, since you do not want to "discuss", I will give no further explanation.
Actually, everything is on the net and if you can't understand these instructions, then see above.


Ebeb I find no instructions on how to select a specific boot option to start. I did it the way you explained it. Then it's probably one of those cases where it does not start. I put the stick at the top of the boot options.