How can I sing to music at Audacity?


I have recently received a micro gift and would like to record songs with it, so I downloaded then Audacity on the laptop. Since I'm not very experienced with this app, I looked at some tutorials on YouTube. I have now imported an instrumental as Mp3 version, now I would like to record my vocals. Now I have the problem that when I press recording, neither the instrumental is played, nor creates a new soundtrack… The recording goes on behind the instrumental simply…

Where is the problem and how can I fix this? Hope you can help me.


Tracks => Add track (pay attention to mono and stereo, depending on how you want to record)


What would be the following?

You play the instrumental on headphones with a normal player and with Audacity you record the audio track from the microphone.

Then you can overlay the tracks next to each other in a file correctly.


All a question of attitude.

Under "Edit - Settings… - Recording" you activate the windows in "Options"

"Play other tracks while recording" and
"Record in new track"

The "level-controlled recording" should not be activated, since this can lead to unwanted recording pauses.