My webcam is used permanently?

- in HP

I'm pretty sure now that I've caught a virus. The light of my webcam lights up permanently and if I want to Skype, I get an error message that my webcam is already used elsewhere in another application. I also get the same error message if I want to start my webcam like this.

Furthermore, I notice other little things: My laptop is extremely slow and often delayed, I often have Internet problems and the memory of my PC automatically fills more and more.

The Task Manager shows me (as expected) nothing and my anti-virus programs (Avira + Malwarebytes) find nothing.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what I could do now…

PS: I use Windows or Hp.


I would definitely rebuild the windows to be safe.


Rebuild or Spybot Anti-Malware Search & Destroy.


Thanks, is there any way to save my calculator? And could I somehow find out in which application My webcam is being used?


The simplest solution is to format and redesign!

Do you look:


Go to the police or 2. Pc reset