Is my laptop infected with a virus?

- in HP

I have been using an HP laptop with an AMD Ryzen 7 quad core and Radeon Graphics since recently. Lately I've been observing very strange things:

-my laptop hangs very often

- he often has stop codes (blue screen)

- sometimes the screen just goes black (I think it's because of the graphics card)

- it often gets very loud (the ventilation has been working much too loud lately)

I own McAffee and have had a security check done multiple times. I did the same in Windows security. Nothing jumped out of it. I have also checked the tasks at times using the command prompt, but have not found anything suspicious. I only have MC Teams installed and often use Word, Edge and Paint. Sometimes I play io games but it was still going pretty well when I did that. Sometimes I watch anime on, MCEdge did not notice any threats there. My firewall is also stable, so I can't explain why he is decent.

I restarted it to solve the problem, but it still showed quirks afterwards.

Thanks in advance. I'm really worried because I won't buy a laptop like this a second time.


Reinstall Windows

then your problem is usually resolved

There's no key that will be entered automatically at Uefi maiboards

if you set up windows again


What do you mean by ' restart Windows ''? Will my data be lost?


YES go just use insecure your data


This can have many possibilities and is difficult to determine without a closer diagnosis.

Of course, not all malware is detected by antivirus programs.

I think the easiest way would be to format the hard drive and restart Windows.

Of course, all of your stored data would be lost, so you should save important things on an external hard drive or in a cloud before you start.

Then you can test again whether the problem has been resolved.

If not and you bought it from e.g. Media Markt or similar, it usually has a guarantee, so you could of course contact them directly, they would of course check everything again and, if necessary, repair something and let you know what exactly was the cause.