Can you overclock a laptop?

- in HP

So I have a Hp Omen with 16GB Ram and a GTX1050 and I want to know if you can overclock the graphics card on a laptop. I heard there's an upper limit for the temperature, namely 80 degrees it should not get warm, then everything is okay and you can The graphics card can be overclocked easily. The card has 4GB VRAM.


Overclocking laptop hardware usually doesn't make sense because you can't cool it properly.


My laptop normally gets 70 degrees hot when playing rainbow.


You can try it but not much will work.


70 ° to 80 ° is not much.

There are heat dissipation plates for laptops, first see if you can get them 70 ° down. Because you run the risk of shooting yourself. You have the right to exchange the record if it does not deliver a result.