Alternatively, can I put my HP notebook laptop on a box?

- in HP

I have two cats and a dog who like to step on my cable, bite or even hang on to it. So I can't leave my laptop on the table without worrying that it'll go dead while charging.

My roommates also have a problem with my laptop being on the dining table. And that for a long time. But I have a fabric stool in my room that would break my fan.

Unfortunately, I don't have a table, desk or cupboard on which to put my laptop. I like to use my laptop while charging because I gamble a lot with it to be honest… And since I need my mouse for this, putting it on my lap is not an option and extremely inconvenient.

Now I have a moving box here and am wondering whether I can alternatively put it up there WITHOUT anything damaging my fan or the like. I thank you already…


Your fan would not break, but your CPU would overheat.

All you need is a smooth surface for the laptop, whether wood or cardboard.