USB ports partially defective?


Anticipated. I've tried everything that can be found on chip and youtube about it but found no solution.

It's about that out of nowhere my "fan" is no longer running. Have on the laptop 2 USB ports. On one is my wireless mouse and on the right side of the laptop then my fan is connected.

As soon as I unplug my mouse and connect the cooler to the left USB port, the fan does not work for my mouse. Whether I reboot, charging cable inside or outside or I change power settings, the right USB port somehow no longer recognizes devices. Can it be that this defect is?

Even if I install the drivers of the devices manually, no matter what I ran right, nothing is detected. Can someone help me there. 3 hours ago everything went well. Nothing changes in the Device Manager, no matter what I try to connect.


It could be that the transmitter of the wireless mouse has a short or the socket in which this plug is bent inside a connection which leads to a short circuit. The current limit of the USB ports then turns off the 5 V to avoid greater damage


Go with it best to a specialist in the area