Pictures no longer load and no storage space, what to do with the pictures?


I have an iphone 6s

almost 1000 pictures and videos

had to delete a lot of apps (and buying storage space is not a solution for me)

now the question is where to put all the pictures?

if I click one then there's an attention sign at the bottom right and the picture is out of focus, so it can't be transferred to my laptop

what now?

one possibility would be to delete all pictures (felt all pictures or the best are on my spam acc on Insta.)

or what other possibility would be? Can you then explain how exactly it works? Or just delete everything?


Have you tried transferring this to an SD card?


No. How does it work? Haha sorry me and technology…


Icloud, I think it costs 1 euro a month for 50Gb


Well, the iPhone 6s usually doesn't have a slot in the phone for an SD card, but you can buy an SD card reader, which shouldn't be expensive either. You can insert an SD card and transfer everything to it. So it's kind of like expanded storage. As a peripheral device only.


But how and why is it free with me and how do you set up everything


I think a certain Gb part is free of charge, you just have to enter "Icloud" in your settings because you can choose what should be saved in it.


But where can I find the pictures if I delete them?


Oh, unfortunately I don't know, have a look in the cloud, you can't have landed anywhere else