Internet dropouts for a few seconds. Why is it? What to do?


My internet connection drops every 10 to 60 minutes for about 5 to 30 seconds. This is very annoying, especially with streams, because they last so long. I would like to order Disney + and I already know that with these problems I will not be able to enjoy it. After that, the Internet is immediately back in full bandwidth. My laptop is connected to the router via Wi-Fi. The telephone jack is unfortunately in a poorly located room and I would have to put the laptop on the floor, connect it via LAN and wait to see if it happens at any time to test whether it is also the case with LAN. Otherwise, according to the speed tests, even via Wi-Fi, there are usually around 110 Mbit / s available for download, although I only pay 100 Mbit / s and the upload is over 40 Mbit / s.


In the past I only had problems with Wi-Fi. Actually try out LAN. Is less prone to interference.


My internet connection drops every 10 to 60 minutes for about 5 to 30 seconds.

Then report a malfunction to your provider, this is not normal.


Well what now?
You state that the internet connection is down - your LAN has nothing to do with it.
Conversely, LAN problems have nothing to do with the Internet connection.
So: what do you really mean?


It may be that your receiving device is not getting enough. Best to connect to LAN to get the best performance!


I only wrote that my laptop is connected to the router via WLAN and not via LAN. This seems to me to be a sensible statement. If there's no signal on the laptop, it can have different causes - on the laptop itself, on the router or on the line. There are definitely problems that only occur with WLAN or only with LAN. LAN problems can very well result in the computer's connection to the Internet being interrupted - let's take a broken cable as a very simple example. The sentence "You state that the Internet connection is down - your LAN has nothing to do with it." therefore not true.


Unfortunately, that doesn't work - I would have to lay a cable across the whole house and until a few days ago these problems didn't exist and I don't understand why the Internet is suddenly causing such problems.


I only wrote that my laptop is connected to the router via WLAN and not via LAN. This seems to me to be a sensible statement.

This is completely irrelevant in the case of Internet failures.
It doesn't matter at all.

Of course, it could be that you are completely wrong with your assessment that there are internet failures - but in that case a basic course for networks would be appropriate, because then you will lack the basis to be able to fix something like this with our help.


It seems to me that you lack the basics. The internet fails on the laptop. This can very well happen if z. B. The WLAN or LAN connection is disturbed. Then the laptop has no connection to the router and can't access the Internet via it. I recommend that you take a basic networking course and also a basic social etiquette course! Noli turbare circulos meos!