Buy your own router? Stepfather does not have Wi-Fi?


And lately I've been thinking about buying my own router because my stepfather really annoys me that he doesn't want to give me Wi-Fi, now I only have Wi-Fi on my cell phone, for console and tablet I don't have one, or eg I bought a laptop a few weeks ago and asked him if I could have Wi-Fi, then he said what I need it for and he "thinks about it" said nothing of course and he won't be like I know him. Then, for example, the reception in my room is mega bad sometimes and then bought a repeater a long time ago, which he blocked a few weeks ago without saying anything so that he no longer has internet, the same with his cell phone only at night, I mean what is the kindergarten? I mean I'm 19 he sometimes treats me like a little child. I'm now thinking about buying my own, because that really upsets me, the money wouldn't be a problem because I'm going to work, I've already seen a few good things. I'm just undecided because with a high probability he will cry again, which is why I bought it, etc., but something really upsets me…

What do you all mean?


What should your own router bring you in this situation? A router in the house is enough - and if you do not get the access data, then a second router of your own is of no use. (You could then probably only run it as a repeater, it is difficult to dial into the Internet connection with two routers at the same time.)

Moving out would be the better option then.


Since you grew up, you could buy that.

How does he justify his actions? What does your mother say?


It should go away. How can you prohibit a 19 year old from internet access? Internet should be a fundamental right in the 21st century.

Try changing the MAC address and the IP address of your device. So the lock should definitely be out on the devices with which you are already logged into the Fritzbox because these will then be recognized as a new device. If the stepfather shouldn't notice If that doesn't work then talk to him and bring good arguments why you are right on the Internet. Or ask him why he thinks you shouldn't have one, etc


You could get a Vodafone Gigacube


Well, since you probably only have one connection, your router will only run as a second router behind it - and then exactly the same thing can happen as with your repeater: it can simply "lock it out"…


Thanks for the tip, it is quite expensive, but it is worth considering.


Yes it is really expensive. But the only realistic solution. Undressing is an exaggeration. Vlt just again

seek the conversation.


Talking will be nothing haha, he is just stubborn and then we will always look for stupid excuses…


I'm sorry for you! You definitely have to do something, you can't put up with it… Have you often had arguments with him?


I can only advise against Vodafone.


You can hardly dial in to the internet connection with two routers at the same time

You don't need it with an LTE router. Moving out is not the better option.


Why? Got it since today, can send it back within a month if I'm not satisfied.


There are better offers


Well, he could get an LTE router.


Eg? Do you know which and good ones?


1&1 we have been customers for 10 years.


Ultimately, the stepfather can do as he wants. If the questioner is not okay with it, he can move out, he apparently does make money and is of legal age.

Of course it is quite a thick move from the stepfather, but he has the right to do so ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯