Which energy saving settings are the highest priority (Win 10)?


It is about energy saving settings in Windows 10. I have a Thinkpad and there you can choose in the BIOS under the item "Adaptive Thermal Management" between "Maximum Performance" (CPU throttling as little as possible) and "Balanced". I do not know what's going to change, but most likely, in Maximum Perfomance mode, the notebook will turn on the fan more often to cool the CPU as much as possible for the best possible performance. Now I was wondering if this does not somehow overlap with the energy saving settings in Windows 10. There are different energy saving settings. Once in the Control Panel. Since there are now only "balanced" as a preset power saving mode and then there are the modes, if you click on this battery sign and then move this slider to the left or right (Longest battery life - Better battery efficiency - Better performance - Best Power). In the whole settings I ask, what is the biggest impact now and which one should work the most, if one is dissatisfied with the current temperatures and the fan behavior.


If you have NEN Intel Extreme then this is the best way: _
