Windows Update 1903 takes forever?


Hi community and thanks for the attention.

The new update 1903 has yesterday loaded really long and of course the restart of the computer may not be missing. This was done 3 hours ago and the update was only 21% processed. Extrapolated that is nothing more today, the update is just huge or should I restart.

Wanted to gamble, I'm free from work 1 day hehe.

Or rather not restart and take the laptop?

Because honestly, 3 hours on a well equipped PC for 21% is heavy.


There's probably something wrong… Can be that someday it will be finished and then everything is normal… But it can also be that if you force the restart the update in 3 min goes through… But can also happen if you force the restart after the Windows must be made new…


If you restart the PC now, chances are good that your Windows is down and you can rebuild. So let it run, it takes an abnormally long, but is just windows. You can't calculate the duration so easy, it may well be that in five minutes suddenly jumps to 60% or so.

So, take the notebook.


SSD installed


M.2 ssd comes in 20 days rabataktion haha


Even my 15 year old notebook does that in 5 minutes.

If the hard drive is free then you have a bad internet connection.


Well then it's no problem, just make it new.