Sounds in the brain when falling asleep?


Hi, I'm 17, m and often when I fall asleep some noise comes from my brain, but then it gets quieter and quieter and then I wake up again. The noises are different. Sometimes a beep and today a sound that you know from the aliens in the films. It's hard to explain, but it feels a bit strange. I also don't smoke, but I'm almost exclusively on my cell phone / laptop every day and also at night. Is that too much for my brain?


I think that's tinnitus

If it bothers you, you should see a doctor


Could not have it every day but three times today while falling asleep.


I think i have the same It's only there sometimes and sometimes I have it every evening for four days in a row and then again for three weeks not at all. But it's more in the ear I think that's what is called ear noises.