PC does not boot properly. Am despairing?


I have a problem. So I reassembled a PC today and I removed all the jumpers, now I no longer know which slot they were in, let alone whether there were one or a total of 2 jumpers. Then there was a motherboard error at first, in the end he booted into the bios (phew!). Then I put all the necessary things there, but stupidly he never boots to the HDD. And do you know what? The error that was issued was known to me. And when I turn it on, there's a small window for the password, then it shows me the log of the boot process, but then there's always something with pxe and media test failes, exit menu or something. Then I deactivated the boot in the bios network or tried it with bios reset, but tried the same again. And the thing is I already know the mistake. I did the old pc with the hdd in the new one and that was always the case with the hdds. When I connected the Hdd from the laptop to the old pc, the same thing happened. I could never boot on this. If I want to boot another hdd on the laptop that doesn't work either, and apparently not for the new pc either. I even marked it as 1st in the boot options and everything. I do not understand that. Maybe who can help me here would be very nice.


All you have to do is go into the BIOS and simply check whether it recognizes the HDD. Then set the boot order correctly there. With the jumper you just have to consult the data sheet of your motherboard.


How does that work with the jumpers? What are they doing? Can't I just put them away? There are currently 0 in it.


Unfortunately I have no glass ball available right now, what kind of MB would it be?


Huh what glass ball? I do not understand. No matter. I do not remember the motherboard but I can tell you the pc it is the hp compaq dc7800.


HP has a pretty good support page, but this requires the serial number from your PC, then you may also get a description of your MB and what the jumpers are for.


With a glass ball it is meant that you are not a clairvoyant, because you have not given any information about your system.


Yes I got the pc as a gift and only started working on it yesterday so I don't know the name of the mb anymore


According to the product description it is called HP 437793-001

