Why are my parents so strict?


My parents are very strict. It's incredibly annoying. I'm 16 years old and my cell phone time is 40 minutes. And the Wi-Fi was limited to 20 minutes.

It's not fair in my opinion. I'm only allowed to use the laptop if it's absolutely necessary because of school, otherwise not.

I'm not allowed to stay with friends and can't stay with friends longer than 6 p.m. And arrange to meet for more than 3 hours. The cell phone is taken away for every little thing, I have the feeling of being very restricted.

Other children our age use drugs or get drunk. I don't do anything like that and anyway.

I often have arguments with my father. That my parents are so strict has nothing to do with our behavior. I also help a lot around the house, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, tidying up the kitchen and so on. Still, my parents are screaming at me.

I do not know what I'm doing wrong. I would like to move out, but my parents would never allow it.


Hmm yes that's strict, from 18 you can move out regardless of whether your parents allow you to


This is really stupid. Your parents need to understand that you are no longer 10. I just don't understand the cell phone time. We live in the 21st century and it is normal to have a cell phone at 16 and to be able to use it. Maybe talk to a tutor. I think your parents' behavior is not normal.


I think they have their reasons and just want you to be a good teen who lives your own adult life right.

Of course, that's a bit too strict


I think they're pretty strict. Talk to them about it in peace and tell them how you are. If you understand it great. If not, you might be able to talk to someone else in your family. Or with teachers or something.


Put it this way, your parents are not obliged to give you a cell phone, internet access or access to a laptop.


If it can afford it, it can.


It is normal to have what you can afford or pay for yourself. That has always been the case and it still applies in our century.


Thanks (:

I've already tried to talk to my parents several times, it works quite well with my mother, but nothing changes. My father doesn't even listen to me…


Thank you… You are right