Use / move multiple cursors on 1 screen with 1 mouse?


Hola dear community,

Can I move multiple cursors (mouse pointer) on my laptop with 1 mouse?

what I want:

I want to open the same program on my laptop 6 times, reduce all 6 windows so that I can see all 6 pages on my desktop at the same time.

I opened the same for all 6 windows and now I only want to move my mouse on / in 1 window and the same movements should happen automatically in the other 5. So I would be 500% more active in my work!

Is there a program?

Could you let professional programming do this for you?

Many thanks for your information!

PS.: Spelling mistakes are free of charge and are therefore not processed


The last sentence was Hammer xD

Unfortunately this is not possible.

As far as I know


You could do it so that all windows receive the same keyboard signal, as far as I know, the mouse does not work under Windows


Not with Windows… Does that mean you can do it with Linux or Mac?


Is this a joke?


No, should it? ^^: D


So you want to do exactly the same activity 6 times? Isn't that unnecessary? Or is it about repeating something often?


@ hannah720 no it is not, I earn between 300-450 euro extra per month with the program, it is always the same to click and that in 33 seconds rhythm. If I had 6 accounts I would have 1800-2700 euro per month as "extra income" ;-D - so not unnecessary for me.


I could write you a program that clicks through automatically if you want.


Thanks that is not necessary, there are programs where you can record a movement and then automatically play it faster or slower. Ghostmouse 2.0 helps me a lot, but it is still too slow…

However, thanks for your offer.


May I ask which program that is. And what exactly do you mean by "still too slow"


With Linux it can be very good that it works, with mac rather not

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