Can you get an apartment with Schufa?


At the moment our money is not working well with us. My friend and I have money worries starting this month, as we're now a community of needs and stay at 23,40 euro a month.

I would like to get out of the office and want to find my own flat. I should have done much earlier.

However, because of my father since 2017, I'm in the Schufa (What I only got this year because of Schufaauskunft) because when he was 15 I ordered a laptop in my name.

Can I still get an apartment if I explain the matter to the landlord?


What exactly is in the Schufa?

A laptop is a relatively small amount and could have been paid off…

A completed loan will remain in Schufa for a few more years and is not a negative feature.

An installment purchase on a 15 - year old? Can't believe…


Non-surrender of the financial information and collection said that the process has ended have my father displayed but the amount is still open.


Do you have a Schufa information from you? If not, ask for one. This is free and online once a year. I do not think you have an entry as a minor.


Yes I have and it's in the closet and it's written on it. 18.10.2017 is the entry


With this Schufa entry you will never get an apartment. "Not surrender of the asset information" means that you did not take an oath of disclosure (as it was formerly called) in an attempted foreclosure. Worse is probably only one entry on a personal bankruptcy.


As well as if I did not learn anything because it all went to my father's address 😂✌️


I know all that… But I did not notice it until this year because I moved and the mail came directly to me. How should Mann know too…


Yes, definitely. Not every landlord wants to see a Schufa and if he does not want to see a Schufa you do not even have to explain it.

In particular, if you are not looking for brokers or immoscout but switching your own search ads in local newspapers.

Why do I know that? Because I've experienced it about 4 times myself and also noticed with friends that no Schufa is required.


Oh I'm currently looking at Immowelt


That does not make it much better. Depending on where you live, 50 to 100 people apply for an apartment from one day onwards. And then people are almost forced to sift through Schufa and Co. Back to the roots. The local newspaper and local scoreboard or newspaper are the means of choice. Costs a few euro but very useful