Laptop disk broken-projecting does not work?

- in Lenovo

And I have a Lenovo T 61, in which the disc is broken, so that you can't see anything. Now I had the problem that Windows 10 had an update (feature update 1809) which was pending during the installation. The Installoberfläche, as well as the recovery surface can't be projected, which is why I took out the HDD, plugged in the large PC and from there, the update undo. Had to do cleaninstall (with data).

Then re-installed in the laptop and suddenly I can project aufm on the external monitor. Whether Graka is installed (of course, from the other PC), I do not know, I can't see. The keyboard shortcuts brought nothing to me, neither FN + F8 / F4 nor Windows + P.

Wat should I do now? I need that on the go.


What do you mean with disc? About the screen? The display? The monitor?

You have a monitor on your PC, then just connect your Lenovo to this monitor… Look, if you now get footage, If not, I would just say that you should install the driver for the chipset


If the monitor is defective anyway Clamp him simply from the motherboard, then Windows no longer recognizes him and automatically on the external monitor, the image.

And if you are bored then Swap the display of the T61, does not cost much.


Hardly on the way, you see nothing, the driver for the graphics card apparently still missing.


How do I do that when I see nothing on the monitor? I had the problem with me. And when I insert the hard drive into my PC, it logically installs the card from the PC. When I connect the monitor I get no picture. I have three intact monitors and four cables. Everything is not working.

PS: The disc is broken. As you can see only white spots and black.


Habs done the same thing now. Now nothing comes back (Lappi screen will logically stay out) he beeps briefly and then he goes out.


Then reinstall Windows. With disconnected monitor


Yeah, got it out, why it had been. I had a cable too much unplugged, nähmlichg that, for the status lights, then it did not work out and then I found out that leave a cable inside and at boot up display to make so that he does not drive in sleep mode, but that the lappi screen shuts off. Then start up. That's how it works. Have ordered a new NEN display now, I'll probably install, because the T61 is old, but Win 10 runs on the Core 2 Duo quite well, so my office work. And why is it synonymous with modern software throw away, especially if the repair itself hinbekommt with the video and the spare parts are much cheaper than a new device. (Display loud serial number I wrote down when I write down) costs only 40 euro.

But thanks for your help.



Display change is not difficult!

Have fun with the T61- … Understand with the old notebook, I also have a HP 2530p with CoreDuo (with which I'm currently writing) and this also does its services for Office etc.