Recommend a laptop to program SWT etc?

- in Lenovo

I study computer science and mathematics in the 3 semester, now I'm slowly starting with the somewhat larger programming (projects, work activities etc.), for example in the area of data analysis (ML etc.). And my laptop, old Lenovo, is simply no longer suitable for this. Because it is too slow, the screen resolution, or the screen in general is too bad, there's no keyboard lighting, etc. And immediately, what do you want from a 6 year old laptop, for 200 euro.

Anyway, something new has to work with me and relax on Netflix etc, I'm not a TV type.

Must have:

under 800 euro
keyboard light
16GB Ram
good CPU

15.6 ", 1920x1080 + a bright and good screen (mine looks somehow blurred despite 1920x1080.
Weight about 3 kg?!
should be very quiet

I apologize for the rather non-technical / unqualified description of my wishes, but if I had any idea what was good, I would not ask.

I hope you have some great recommendations.

Oh and the battery life doesn't matter.


Take a look at There's also a "consultant" and they offer a campus program that might help you.

Va Maybe something like that? If your ML programs can run on GPU, that would probably not be bad, but the thing is, if you really need a lot of power for something like that, it is better to do it via cloud anyway, since there are many providers that offer a lot of free credit for students. or this

16GB ram is difficult in the price range


No keyboard lighting is required for programming. Better take a 10-finger course at the local VHS, then you can type blindly.

Good CPU: just name the requirements of the programs you use. It doesn't do anything if we introduce systems with i9 or oversized AMD thread rippers, but you only need a console because all programming is done on a mainframe… Data analysis is usually also done by the SQL server in the backend… You only need a front end to display the data


Pay attention to the coupon code

Otherwise it is also available elsewhere for 720 euro.


"16GB ram will be difficult in the price range" Well at least 8 should be


Yes it is with both


A slightly more expensive alternative, however, has higher power consumption.

However, the sharpness is again a lot better.


Of course you didn't need an illuminated keyboard to program. You can also do without. You can also program on punch cards. Just because something works, you don't have to do it that way.