Notability / Goodnotes Alternative for Windows?

- in Lenovo

I have a Lenovo laptop with a touch screen that can also rotate 180 degrees and turn into a tablet. I see the Notability or goodnotes app everywhere and what great notes can be made by handwriting (with the apple pen). Since my laptop is also "touch" I wonder if there's such an app for Windows 10? All the apps I find are not like the two apps mentioned above. I would like the app to convert my scraggly handwriting into nicer legible one like the two 😂

Notability Goodnotes Alternative for Windows

I would like to have something like that on my laptop too.

Does anyone have any idea whether there are such apps?


You're confusing something, that's always text recognition, then you're welcome to choose the font. But your font is generally not adapted, just recognized and then displayed accordingly with the font.



Oh oops, that's what I meant, thank you!