Lenovo laptop makes noise but everything black?

- in Lenovo


found an old Lenovo laptop, it was 6 years ago or so when I used it, but when you plug in the laptop there's an orange short light on the battery + field.

and then it stops and then I switch on the laptop and then there's a short sound and then instead of 2 light blue fields, only one light on the in field (see pictures).

and I hear a noise, probably the ventilation? But the screen is completely black.

does anyone know anything about it?

Lenovo laptop makes noise but everything black

What blue fields light up?


Broken. Ne The noise coming from the hard drive and the ventilation from a distance so I can't help now Maybe an electronics store can help. It could be due to the operating system or the hardware such as a graphic card display or connection cable. LG


I can do it anyway

maybe do something with the hard drive? So my data? I only want the data from there. : /

do you know what the orange field means?


How do the sounds sound? I suspect a problem with your hard drive, because these blue visible diodes on the laptop show that data is read from the hard drive and as you write here, they no longer light up both, but only one.

If you don't have the option to install another hard drive, you can check it with a live USB stick. Before that, change the boot order in the BIOS.


Oops, I've actually inserted 2 pictures
here 'a link
there you see the light blue light, and the other blue light has the sign on the far right of the photo that only glows briefly.


You can only try to install the disk in another laptop / computer or to connect to a computer via SATA USB cable and boot. But if the hard drive is really broken, that's it. Unless you invest a lot of money with a service provider that saves your data.


That looks like the battery led. Yes, you should still get to your data. On YouTube you will find tutorials on how to remove the plate from the notebook. You can then use a USB adapter: https://www.amazon.de/...011M8YACM/ to connect to another PC. But better go to a computer store. They will definitely help you.


What do you mean another hard drive? Can I simply install a hard drive from another laptop? And then what happens to my data.

can I do nothing with the hard drive? There's data on it.

What do you mean by Live USB stick? I tried to charge my cell phone via laptop, but nothing happens and I don't really understand what boot order in the bios means: /


Really dear thanks. I try this somehow to find out whether the hard drive is still working: /


The notebook clicks lightly, so a little clacking, if so, it should still work.


Yes, if I press this sign boah no idea (switch on button), then it makes a noise and then stops abruptly and then after a short time this ventilation noise comes, like a warm, very light wind

: /


Ok then the hard drive should still be in order. Take the PC to a computer retailer or to Lenovo / Medion in Essen at the Zehnthof in the main headquarters. Or send it there but call beforehand and ask if it is possible to repair it because of the current situation.


Omg I do not live in Germany, so I send the extra there xD then I would rather do that with the USB thing and put the hard drive in there and see if I can find something there.

A thousand thanks in any case! I don't care about the laptop, I only want the data: /


OK Supi


@Flockeducht nöp don't waste money on something like this, just want to save my data: / but thanks!


You can probably. Describe what kind of noise the computer makes? Rather an even buzzing, or rather a hectic clacking?