Sims 4 on Lenovo Ideapad 5 laptop?

- in Lenovo

I would like to have Sims 4 on my laptop.

Lenovo Ideapad 5 15ARE05

512 GB
8 GB of RAM
AMD Ryzen 5 4500U

According to the requirements of Sims 4, I can install it without any problems. However, my old laptop was very slow after I downloaded a game and now I'm afraid that this laptop will get really slow when I download Sims 4.

Does any of you know whether it is going to be slow or whether I don't have to worry? I don't have any other games upstairs because I use it for my studies.


Doesn't get slow.

If necessary, simply reset the PC.


No, the laptop is powerful enough for the game. You won't have any problems with the CPU.