Laptop hand luggage to EU countries?


At Whitsun it goes with my family on vacation to America. Since I still want to do some schooling, I thought to be productive on the Long Journey and to work a little bit in flight. In addition I wanted to take my laptop into the hand luggage and had read that it is rather complicated to go with the laptop to America.

On the one hand you have to turn on the laptop at the security check, unlock it, show that it works and possibly even data will be checked. Even my father said he had problems with business trips. Sounds to me now a little unrealistic and exaggerated because a laptop in hand luggage is certainly not an isolated case. Besides, I do not think every employee has the time and inclination to watch a laptop being unlocked.

Now my question: Do I have something to worry about on an America trip? There you may be a bit stricter with unknown dates or play from 18, which I should not play as a minor in principle. Is this any problem, or is it just as normal as any other device?

Schonmal in advance thank you for an answer!


You have to turn on laptops and tablets to show it's one, not a cloaked bomb. I have never had to unlock in the EU, data do not show up. I do not know if this is the case in the USA. If, but then you can't get around it, then the device is just there or you may not enter (arrival) or not take it (departure).


Laptops and other electronic devices are in the hand luggage, not in the checked baggage.

And yes, there are spot checks, checks made at airports. So it hits one in 1000 or so and is relatively unlikely why you should be that.


My pc was checked in the USA. I had to turn it on that was it. In Canada, I was on business visa and there were some problems because a paper was missing. There my laptop and my mobile phone were searched. Emails were opened and read and sms read. Finally, just to check if I'm the one I'm supposed to be and that I also intend to do that in the papers. They had boredom there. Guaranteed not guaranteed. There's absolutely peer-reviewed. The chance is just as big as a police check on the way home by car.


So I usually do not expect any greater control?


Nope, but is not a guarantee;)