How do digital nomads secure their technology while traveling?


Everyone says don't take valuable technology with you when you travel to poor countries. On the one hand, the locals themselves often have iPhones etc…

And on the other hand, I wonder how digital nomads protect their technology when they are in poor countries. IPhone, iPad, notebook, camera, …


There's something called a "lock" that you do in front of doors with important things inside.


You just have to go to where you can replace or change the technology if necessary. Proxies and online storage are available from everywhere.

Otherwise, there are small USB sticks or memory cards with encrypted archives somewhere in the last corner of all bags and backpacks.

You usually have several devices with you. But also money and other valuable things. That's why you always look for places where you have a safe shelter and where you can safely store your stuff. Even if you have access to the Internet somewhere else.

In addition, you also make yourself smart beforehand.

In addition, you usually have contacts anyway, wherever you travel to.


The lock is of little use if you run around outside with your iPhone and camera and then get attacked 😁


Understand. Then it is also a financial question to quickly get a replacement for technology if necessary.

I imagine it to be very daring and adventurous when a backpacker from Europe tours South America or Asia with all his high-tech stuff and is then discovered by obscure figures. 😅 Even in normal neighborhoods, it is safe not to run around with an iPhone.


Whoever acts like a victim becomes a victim.


Most of these "all" have not seen more of the world than a package holiday to Malle gives. Poor countries in particular are often very hospitable and open.

You have a backup of all important data and documents in the cloud. From then on, it depends on your behavior: If you are mindful, you will travel the whole world without losing anything. There's usually only crime at the tourist hotspots. When you are away from them, traveling is more relaxed in all respects… And of course more fulfilling and exciting.


Thank you very much! 😃. That sounds very exciting and knowing what you write! 🤓👍

So far I always thought that if travelers "get lost" in places far away from tourism, it would be dangerous.

I would like to go to Latin America. Since I don't look like a southerner, I fear that my iPhone, iPad & Co. Could be an easy target for thieves. Even if I have the cloud backup, it's still stupid when the devices are gone.

In addition, I do not have a driver's license and am therefore dependent on buses, taxis and etc.

If you still have 1,2 tips for my trip so that I don't do anything wrong, I'm very happy! 🤩


My tip: don't plan too much!

Looking at the world can only be planned to a limited extent. Everything is there - and what can, in the worst case, happen to you? Anything that gets you out of your comfort zone makes life more exciting.

On danger and crime: It is only worthwhile where something can be obtained, i.e. There are many tourists. Who am I supposed to steal if nobody comes by? With us in Germany you don't have pickpockets in the pampas either, but where it's worth it…

To your goal: I only got to Central America and can tell you - I found everything relaxed. By the way, with my own car I would have found many trips much more boring and would not have met many people in the first place.