How do I hide the laptop image while streaming to the TV (Chromecast)?


I'm just streaming something from the laptop to the TV with the Chromecast. When I did this for the first time, I was asked if I would like to optimize the image by fading it out on the laptop so that it is still running on the TV. By now he does not ask me anymore, so how can I stop that? I still have the old Chromecast if that's relevant. The laptop has windows 10.


The laptop has Windows 10.

Then open the notification assistant (click on the notifications icon in the lower right corner) and then all the icons are down right. Click on "Project". You should have activated the "second screen only" setting. Now you can choose between "Duplicate" and "Expand".


First of all thanks for the answer, but unfortunately I can't continue anyway. I found the setting I'm looking for, but when I go to "Connect to Wireless Ad", he does not find my Chromecast. Even if I select while the laptop is connected, nothing happens. I should probably mention that I'm streaming the tab through the browser, so I go to the 3 dots in the top right, then "stream…" and select the Chromecast. Could you perhaps help me there again? 😅


Oh. Is completely new to me, that while the screen is turned off or you can just set it at the beginning. Honestly, I would not know now, where to change it, if not there as described. Now I ask myself: Who exactly asked you? Were you asked in the browser? Or has Windows done something there?