PC fans are not working properly?


I have a MSI GS70 2PC notebook.
Intel i7 4400k
GTX 860m
Windows 10 Home 64 bit

If I now start a graphically complex game (in my case, Forza Horizon 4) is the right cooler of the notebook immediately on full blast, on the left but only at an estimated 10% (is much quieter and there's much less air). As a result, after some time, the laptop gets very hot and the FPS fall to avoid overheating. So I have just after 10 minutes of play only half as many FPS as at the beginning.

Now I have cleaned the fan and checked if they are in tact.
Both fans work well, in Word, for example, both run equally strong, the left thus even stronger than in Forza.
The fans both contain the same amount of dust. In time they are both.

Does anyone know the reason or how to fix it?


Probably one turns on CPU load and the other on GPU load…


Check the fan you can try with the following tool

CoreDamage only charges CPU.

MSI Kombustor takes the GPU ran.

Try a tool and see what the fans are doing.

Note: I do not know any i7 4400k


Thanks, i mean i7 4710 hq. No idea how I came to 4400k, sorry.


That's possible, I'll give it a try.


Could you possibly link the two pages to me (MSI combustor & core damage), as there are many sites where you can download these programs and I would not like to have a virus.




