What kind of device (PC / laptop) is best suited for distance learning?

- in Macbook

I will soon start my distance learning and so far have no idea what could help me the best. Have already thought to buy an Apple MacBook Air notebook (33,8 cm / 13,3 inch, Intel Core i5, 128 GB SSD) - unfortunately, but so far, none could help me as the notebook durchschlängelt - because my Environment with something is not familiar - as well as me.

Since you have to learn a lot in the distance learning and also the whole time sitting at the computer / notebook I want a suitable device that keeps up the whole time and gives me no problems.

What is the most suitable and most helpful in the course of my studies? Is this a PC most ideal or rather a laptop?

And what exactly? Would be great if you write me the brand and the model.

For those who have had some experience - please help me - get stuck in a pretty tricky situation: / …

I would be very happy to receive a helpful answer.


Where is your problem?

every easy-to-use notebook you can get is perfectly adequate for everyday use, surfing, writing and researching.

And since you learn at home, you do not need pigsures Apple macbook, with which one can specify in the auditorium of a university.


I would say you need a good and big screen and a keyboard on which you can comfortably type longer texts. A good mouse for that.

And if you sit in front of it for several hours every day, you also need an ergonomic chair and the right table for it.

I would take a desktop PC. Since you can connect any screen or keyboard / mouse. Why should you accept the disadvantages of a laptop if you only use it at home?


It depends on what you study.

especially in the creative area (graphics / music), one should rather take an Apple notebook.

If you are looking for a degree in engineering or commercial, then a Windows based device is probably better for you.

For Internet, and Office it does not matter if you use Apple or Windows. Qualitatively good devices are also available in the Windows area.

And what do you want to spend?

If it may be something used:


You can find a test report here:



The air is garbage. Only 2 cores and 128GB for the money.

Here in better and cheaper:


Respectively, these should also be enough:




Apart from a few isolated studies, a PC with Ryzen 2400g, 8GB Ram and a 500gb SSD is enough for practically everyone. Advantages are the low price and the easy way to expand. You realize the Ram is not enough? Pack a second bar. You suddenly come up with the idea to gamble? Get a dedicated graphics card.



The PC costs 370 euro, a good screen about 200, Office mouse + keypad Wireless costs 45 euro. Then you are better off with 615 euro than with the MacBook.