Films from the hard drive can't be played?

- in Macbook

I have an external hard drive on which films and series are on it. Unfortunately, I can only watch the series and not the films. But both folders are on the same hard drive. I already tried to move the films folder or individual films to the series folder, there they are displayed on my sister's laptop (an HP laptop), but not on mine (MacBook Pro).

Maybe someone knows why? Or can help me how to change that. Or do I need to download a specific media player?


Not every media player plays all video formats, allegedly the VLC is suitable for almost everyone and it is always worth having 2 or 3 on board. Someone always leaves.


Try Kodi (free)


So just to show:

Get the VLC Player, which has so far been able to handle every audio and video format, unless they were too special


Maybe they are out of date. Or they are not compatible with your media player…