Which laptop for industrial engineering studies?

- in Macbook

I will soon start studying industrial engineering and wanted to find out which laptop would be most suitable for the university.

MacBook or a Windows laptop?


It all depends on what you want to do. If you plan to take notes on your laptop, it's best to forget about it right away. Especially in math, construction, TM etc. You will have so many things that it is impossible to write down on the laptop.

Instead, get an Ipad with a pencil. It doesn't even have to be the original Apple Penceil for 120 euro, there are plenty of good alternatives for 20-30 euro.

As an Ipad, simply the new Ipad 2020 for around 330 euro. Write yourself with the Ipad 2018 and a fake Apple Pencil and it's enough.

If you want to get a laptop, you definitely don't need a MacBook.

A solid 400-500 euro Windows laptop is enough.

The only thing you will do a lot on this will be creating presentations and writing texts in Word. The laptop does not have to meet any major requirements.

But make sure that it is 15 inches (17 too big, including too small), a min. 512 GB SSD, a battery that lasts a long time and is as thin / light as possible.

In the industrial engineering course you will not come into contact with the classic engineering tools that need a lot of power, so it is enough to have a laptop as I have described.

But if you have the money easy, you can get a slightly better laptop. But please make sure that it has 16GB RAM and a strong graphics card of the GTX 1650 level or higher. All engineering programs should then run on it. Please keep a lot of distance from the MacBook. Is NOT recommended in the technical area.

Summary of what you need:

Ipad 2020 to take notes.
Apple Pencil original or fake depending on your budget
Windows laptop depending on your budget

You are then perfectly positioned for your studies.