HDMI connection TV only consoles?

- in Macbook

So we do not understand the world anymore. We own several HDMI cables, a Panasonic TV, a PS3, a switch, a laptop and a Macbook.
Everything was always easy. We have changed absolutely nothing at any settings. And suddenly yesterday, no signal was transmitted from the Macbook to the TV. Not even from the laptop. We thought the HDMI cable was broken, so we used another one. Went nothing. But if we put the cable in the PS3 or the switch, everything went perfectly. Only with laptop and Macbook there was no signal. Why?! WTF? Is there a strange attitude that separates between consoles and laptops? What can we do?


I would not know anything about it, which differentiates between PC and console. You / you could maximally see if in the output options of the Mac / laptop after an update possibly something was shot. (which is rather unlikely, since it happens with 2 different devices)

How did you use the connections? Right on the TV or is there a kind of multimedia switch in between?


Can it be that I have tried to bring Netflix or Sky on the TV? Then a lock sets in.


Could be that the introduction is kaput or the cables have come loose inside the introduction


Right on tv… Have tried the different connections…


No, we have not changed or reinstalled anything. One day everyone else too: -D