Steam download takes forever?

- in Macbook

I'm asking this now because I have the problem very, very often and no one I have asked has a solution. First of all: I have a MacBook Pro 2020 and a 100k cable. I'm sitting right above the router. Now I wanted to download a game for 1.9 Gb on Steam and I've been sitting there for an hour… I have between 5 and 500 kb per second on Steam… What's the problem? So when I do an internet test on the same laptop everything is normal and I have 100k… I've had this several times now that some downloads on steam take an exaggeratedly long time…

Is it simply the MacBook? I don't really think so, but I just don't know.

I hope someone knows a solution or can at least tell me the reason.


You can't change anything about that, something that is automatic limits imposed by the provider itself and can have something to do with the full utilization of the server by users.


The steam server or what kind of server?


Did you change the Steam server just for fun?

Sometimes it helps.

Otherwise just wait and see will help.


Do you also have the problem when you download something from the browser?


Just for fun I downloaded a fat LS 19 mod and everything is normal…


Take a look in your Steam settings. Under Downloads you should e.g. Set your download region. Sometimes, as it does today, Steam changes my download region on its own, which drastically reduces my download speed.

Steam download takes forever

I've already checked and changed the region in Germany, from frankfurt to hamburg, but it's just gotten a little bit worse than it was…