PowerPoint on MacOS delayed input with the command * insert formula *?

- in Macbook

I often create formulas for university in Powerpoint on an A4 template. Unfortunately, I have the problem that the input is very much delayed as soon as I use the * Insert formula * command.

I can't imagine that these are computationally intensive processes, so I wonder if there are ways to fix the problem?

My laptop:

I'm using a MacBook Mid 2012: https://support.apple.com/...cale=de_DE

Software: Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac 16.16.11

Is it because of the use of PowerPoint on the Mac? I don't have this problem on my work computer (Windows). A friend of mine also uses a MacBook, but the 2018 model and has the same problem.


Then try another device!


Well, microsoft has panned the port for MAC. Who knows obs there was another license problem. Because some DLL is taken from windows that MAC is not allowed to have and then you build a construct around it. Or the programmer was terminated a long time ago and nobody knows the source code. There was already a dozen times that windows stole or quit and is surprised that BUGs have to carry it around for a lifetime.