Can I still include a laptop I bought in 2018 in my next tax return?

- in Macbook

I bought a used MacBook for my apprenticeship in 2018, but I haven't paid any taxes in 2018, so I haven't made a tax return for that time in which I could have stated the purchase of the laptop.

But since I'm now paying taxes, is it still possible for me to include the laptop in the tax return?

And does it have any impact that I bought the MacBook used? (I still have proof, account statement, Paypal sales details and screenshots of the then eBay classified ad)

I also wanted to know how much you can generally do for a laptop, since the MacBook cost me 1800 euro at the time.


You can only deduct a partial amount, how can you understand that, you didn't pay any taxes for 2018?

so far you can only do that in the year in which the costs were incurred. So the answer is no - but I can be wrong


My income during my apprenticeship in 2018 was so low that I didn't pay any, so it would have been useless to state the laptop as a purchase.

If I haven't paid any taxes, I won't get a tax refund.


The part has to be written off over several years anyway. So only the first year is 'lost'.


Yes, laptops are written off over three years anyway. So for 2019 and 2020 you can still add 1/3 of the depreciation amount. I do not know what it is like with advertising costs for the apprenticeship, but at least with work equipment that is acquired professionally, only the professional part is recognized.

The tax office accepts a 50% split without further proof. You could then claim 900 euro of the 1800 euro for tax purposes. 300 euro for 2019 and 300 euro for 2020.


Thank you very much!