Can't connect to this network?


It is not possible to connect to the Vodafon router with a Windows device. Android devices in turn connect to the network without any problems.

The router is a Vodafone device. A Vodafone station for the cable connection. To fix the error I have already tried the following:

Restart the router
Router reset to factory settings
Firewall deactivated for testing
Network card drivers updated
Network profiles deleted on Windows device
TCP / IP reset

Unfortunately, everything remained unsuccessful. I also tried to find something in the event display of the router and on the Windows device, but also without success. Even when changing the radio channel, I had no success.

Why could it be that Android devices can establish a connection with the Vodafon Box but Windows devices can't? Could it be something that has to do with Windows in general?

The device is a device of a friend. I myself always use Fritzbox and never had such problems.

I tried it with 3 Windows devices. All of them were notebooks with a Windows 10 operating system.

The following device is the Vodafon Station:

This is only about the Wi-Fi connection. I haven't tried it yet via LAN due to a missing patch cable.


Should actually work
Reset router
Set PC network setting to automatic / DHCP
Connect PC with LAN cable
and then enter in the browser.


I also think that the connection via LAN will work. I haven't tried it yet.

I made the settings on the router on an Android device.

I'm just surprised that Windows devices don't want them but Android devices do. Windows has to do something differently. I just couldn't think of anything.