How do I get from one column to the other in Word?


Here comes the technically ungifted blonde with a stupid question:
If I set two columns in Word, like, damn, will I go from left to right? Clicking on it brings nothing, Arrow key to the right and down brings nothing, Enter extends the first line only to infinity…
Can I somehow set the number of lines to which these two columns apply? Or is there otherwise a possibility - that reads like a table line by line, so it brings me nothing, if Word inserts the text from the right funny in the middle of the left side, suddenly somewhere else carries on and so on. And no, an actual table is not an option, because even if I remove the walls, the text is still slightly indented on the left, and it should not be.
I'm just about to throw the laptop out the window, so please help me fast!


The columns are not meant to be "parallel" filled, they fill up by themselves. If you've filled in the first column, Word automatically switches to the second, and so on. Like a newspaper article.

If you want to change yourself, you have to look for "column break" in the Help (I'm using a different text program, so I do not know exactly how it works in Word)

If you want to fill several columns "at the same time", you should use the function "Table". Then you can cheerfully click and change the columns to your heart's content…


And no, an actual table is not an option, because even if I remove the walls, the text is still slightly indented on the left, and it should not be.

You can change that by right-clicking in the table, table properties, options. There you can set the table limit to 0 on the left. Then the text starts right at the cell edge.


Maybe you write what you want to accomplish exactly with these two columns, then maybe you can help better.

By the way, if you really need two columns of text in Word, it's better to first write the text in one column, then mark it, and then set the two columns. Then Word automatically formats everything as it should.

As has already been said, column splitting in Word is not meant to be written in parallel. This would be done either with a table or with tabs, tabs and the hanging feeder, eg. B. CVs.

By the way:

And no, an actual table is not an option, because even if I remove the walls, the text is still slightly indented on the left, and it should not be.

Then you have to either slightly expand the table column to the left or change the indentation.