Debian 10 always on standby?


I installed Debian 10 on my laptop.

At the beginning I had more and more problems that I went on standby about 15 - 20 minutes after I accessed it via RemoteDesktop.

I was able to quickly find out why he was doing this. You could also deactivate it in the settings so that it goes into standby mode after 15 or 20 minutes (I deactivated it for battery operation and mains operation)

Now my problem:

He does not go on standby after 15-20 minutes about 2 hours after I have switched it on.

Does anyone have any idea why he is doing this?


Latest Debian 10 is installed; apt-get update and apt-get upgrade have been executed

It is connected to 1 Gb / s Lan

It is permanently connected to the charger

It does not separate XRDP after about 2 hours, but is then really ready


Look into the syslog, maybe there's something in the reason for the shutdown.


As RainerK has already written, the logs could provide useful information. I did a short research and came across the following article:

Disable suspend and hibernation
For systems which should never attempt any type of suspension, these targets can be disabled at the systemd level with the following:

sudo systemctl mask

Maybe that will help you; I wish you success


Yep that was good!

Have now found out that the "do not go on standby" only applies if a user is logged in and logged in. However, since no user is ever logged on to the server itself, it was always ready to go.

This could be stopped with the systemctl mask command