Depression. Do not want to do anything, but you do not want to do anything?


I suffer from many other mental health problems including moderate depression. I feel basically depressed, but then come weeks or months, where I'm only depressed every day and then, if I'm lucky, a few days that go well.

Now, when you read on the Internet, what are symptoms of depression, it is always there that you can't get up for anything, so the motivation is missing. I agree with that too. But I find it extremely difficult, if I'm just lying around for days, just go out and land on the couch again and sometimes not even watch tv, but do nothing, I do not like either. It frustrates me very much not to make household or not to clean up. I then see a pencil with a booklet, the laptop and a glass of water on the coffee table and I really want to do the pen and the booklet, in the drawer, put the laptop on the table and the glass in the dishwasher, but I can't do it, Nevertheless, it frustrates me so much.

Then I like to be on the sofa and do nothing, but I find no place that I find bearable. I do not like sitting, a pillow is just as uncomfortable as no pillows, I do not like lying and I get restless because I think I would like to do a lot, write friends because doing nothing is just as exhausting.

Then I type 2 or 3 letters, but I do not like to finish writing, and so some friends hear nothing for days or only a hey and then it takes hours until I answer your answer.

I have the feeling all shows that I like to watch, I do not like watching anymore, or are complicated, it simply lacks the concentration.

I think that's never mentioned in any way that you want to do nicjts most dearly, but you do not want to do anything. I once asked a friend and her friend's girlfriend and they both felt like me, this restlessness, wanting to do something, but not being able to get up.

How is eucj? Do you feel the same? Or are you happy. Easy to lie on the couch and do nothing, even if it lasts days oilang. Please only those who have suffered or suffered.


Do you live alone or do the others around you make you sick?


I live alone and have a dog. He's the only one who pulls me out every day, because I would never ever have the heart to torment him because he has to go out. And if it really does not work, I have 2 neighbors with dogs and a friend who could take over if necessary.

I do not think that my environment makes me sick. I had several traumatic experiences in the past and the first mental illness I had at age 14 was obsessive-compulsive disorder. Then came anorexia and then ptbs and borderline.

I was able to deal with everything as far as I could. "I went to work, I made a living, I visited a dog, visited my family in the USA for a few months and beat the nights and days until I was a good year ago came into the exhaustion depression, because I have only done.Since in the clinic then came out that I was already depressed before and I have now simply collapsed.

Even things that made me happy 2 years ago barely do it today.

I have not had any contact with my father and his family since the exhaustion depression or even before, and my mother was affectionate with everything as well as my girlfriend, who herself had bulimia and suffered from depression. (She is older than me and well again) Another friend who lives further away, does not understand all that, because she herself never was mentally ill, but she tries to be compassionate and accepts if not for days, and often says, she I would like to help, I do not know how but if I need something, I should come to her.

So I do not think that my current environment is to blame but that I simply suffer after years and still be strong and fight at some point just broke down.


Then you have to take professional help.

Go to a doctor who can help you.

The fact that you have already done so much on your own has also consumed a lot of strength.

If your doctor is not good, then switch to another.

Some want + can't understand, others are very empathetic and it is important to them that you feel better again.


I'm in psychological treatment. So that was not my point.


I understand, and I understand you completely. This is also how I feel about it a lot, thank God today, not: until now everything is fine.

Yesterday it was the way you described it.

It's like a flu: there's nothing to interest you and you want to be calm and you feel bad.

I also understand that you do not want to write much with your friends, because your primary problem is the only thing that really bothers you.

So ask here frequently questions: here you will find a wider audience, maybe one or the other has good ideas or it also makes you fun and enjoyable.


I know that too. You have so much to do but you can't do it. That pulls you down even more. Mainly on the weekend I feel like this. During the week I do not do anything in the household except I "must" people conditionally! There's hardly any energy left.

Then it's Friday and you have to do something. Lie in bed or sofa and look around. It drives me crazy but I can't do it. When I finally get rid of my head I try to sleep when I wake up and take a shower afterwards. But it does not always help especially when the violent episodes occur and paralyze me.