Apple Calendar go through on PC monitor display?


I'm currently looking for a way to continuously play my Apple calendar on a no longer used PC monitor. I would have at my disposal:

1 PC monitor with Vga + Hdmi

1 laptop with wireless card

1 PC tower without Wi-Fi, but with LAN connection

Does anyone of you know a program that allows such a thing?

My goals would be:

PC starts / shuts down automatically (at set times)
PC displays the Apple Calendar (or synced Google Calendar)
The calendar is updated regularly so that I can create new appointments with Alexa and have them displayed directly.

Could someone give me this thought a small Denkanstupser or tips? I've already got some skills in Python to learn other programming languages, so that would not be too much of a problem.


PC starts / shuts down automatically (at set times)

… If you can manage with the task planning - think completely shut down will not go but rather standby.

PC displays the Apple Calendar (or synced Google Calendar)

The calendar is updated regularly so that I can create new appointments with Alexa and have them displayed directly.

Do it with Python and Tkinter… Is not that a big challenge…


Or pick something here: