Why did my mother want to wake me up?


Hi. I 16, always got up for school myself. And even today I get up with my alarm clock myself. However, my mother wants to wake me up at the weekend and also during the holidays. As well as today when I study at home. Why? It was half past nine when she burst in without knocking and asked if I would be awake. I said yes, annoyingly. I've been studying on my laptop since half past eight. Do I have to write a diary for them? What am I doing? I'm getting the feeling. 2 ask me if I take a shower and my mother wants to wake me up. She asks me if I care for my face (rosacea). Do I have to prove it all? It sucks walking around with dry skin with a red face. That's why I care for my face.

Am I so dependent?


Your mother is interested and cares about you. What's wrong with it?

Be glad you don't care.


Your mother simply wants to make sure that you have a structured everyday life and are independent. You can explain to her that you feel controlled / not taken seriously / regarded as dependent. Maybe then she'll stop asking. But you're 16 and not 18. My parents were a lot worse in terms of control, believe me.


Parents are parents. They care no matter how old you are.

You have an illness. They want the best for you.

School is canceled - you still want to do something so that it continues. So that you are prepared.

The time is difficult. Parents are even more so.

They don't want anything bad for you.


I know that. Only she says that I'm not independent enough. But I can still wake up alone. I can do that.


You are dependent.

Some mothers think it would be a good idea to get involved in half the children's life. I had the same problem with my mother too.

She couldn't stop interfering in my love and sex life and when we talked about something like that she always pretended to tell her everything about it.

Until I told her in the face that it was none of her business, after that she was angry, but always kept out of it.


A structured daily routine is obviously very important to your mother. However, it exceeds a few limits (entering without knocking, waking up even on weekends). By the way, long (sleep) sleep at your age is natural and also important for physical development. Find out about the topic on the Internet under the topic of sleep research so that you also have arguments.

The best solution would be if you work out a plan for yourself together, which you then really stick to (!).

However, I suspect that your mother herself is suffering from the current situation, knows nothing to do with herself and is taking care of your well-being as a kind of distraction. I don't know if you can address that to her. But maybe you can consider together how you both can structure your day better.